Personal Finance

Be debt-free, keep more of your money, and maximize savings with Yoguely's tips, tactics, and strategies to grow your money, increase your net worth, and achieve financial independence.

  • Best Value PC Build 2020

    Aida Yoguely building a 4K video editing PC.

    Today you’re going to learn exactly how to frugally build a powerful PC.

    In fact:

    This is the same approach I used to build my powerful 4K video editing and gaming PC.

    Let’s get started!

  • Meet Yoguely

    Hi, I am your host Aida Yoguely and this blog is about value investing.

    We will be discussing topics from many different but important disciplines that will help you become self-reliant and more independent.

    Specifically, help you become a financially independent leader with a diversified skill set.